Monday, June 21, 2010

The food is out!!!

(My apologies for just copying the email I sent to my bosses. After a rather sleepless night worrying about this day, and then an early wake-up, I'm pretty tired right now, but wanted to share the news. Finally, the feeding of the masses commenses!)

Dear Friends,

It's my pleasure to report the successful completion of our first day of food distribution. Today, 231 families from Katico Payam, Kapoeta South County, received roughly 13MT of sorghum, oil, and salt. A very talented and disciplined local staff upheld the highest standards of accountability, and the day passed peacefully, with both beneficiaries and chiefs walking away smiling.

Over the weekend, 8MT was delivered to 6 schools, and distributions are scheduled daily through this week and next. After that, we'll be back in the bomas/villages recording stories of our work (I already have a couple ideas), documenting food-for-work progress, and passing out cards for the next distribution.


Right, so this picture has nothing to do with feeding programs, but it was on my camera and I thought Katie and Ryan would enjoy. This is our guard! On a series of consecutive rainy days, out came the UofM windbreaker. People were astonished that that coat was from "my place"--Sudanese-speak for your tribe's homeland.


  1. fantastic news sarah! as always love the photos. uncle john asks about you and joey (aka francis) often - he doesn't do that about too many so....know you are busy but love 'hearing' your voice. all our love aunt faith & uncle johm

  2. What great news! You have prepared for this day, and I'm glad it all went smoothly.

  3. Oh my gosh, look at all that green grass!!!! There definitely wasn't any of that when I was there!!! How's your patch of grass by the pond and garden?

  4. I've got a $20 for you if you teach him "Hail to the Victors."
